Alexandria Fairgrounds
"A Tradition Since 1856"
Open Dairy & Meat Goat Show
Monday, September 6th
Crouch-Woolum Agriculture Building
Show starts at 11:00 AM
The base date for determining age is date of the show.
Papers for registered animals are required and will be checked.
Health papers are required and will be checked. All animals shown in this department must be accompanied by an approved health certificate.
All animals over six months of age must have an official health certificate.
Upon arrival at the Fairgrounds, any animal showing signs of infections, diseases or ill health will be barred from the barn and show ring.
The same animal may not be shown in both Breed and Market Classes.
Goats in group classes must be registered or recorded.
Mixing registered or recorded animals for herd classes is not permitted.
There is a limit of one herd per breed per family.
All animals shown in group classes must have been shown in regular classes.
Entries will be taken beginning at 10:00AM the day of the show and will be taken at the main arena where the show will be conducted.
Breeds-Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, other breeds Meat Goats Boer & Crossbred
Dairy Goats:
​1.) Under 4 months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
2.) 4-8 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
3.) 8-12 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
4.) 12-24 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
5.) Milker yearling
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
6.) Milker 2-3 years
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
7.) Milker 3-5 years
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
8.) Milker over 5 years
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
9.) Champion
Premium = Rosette
10.) Produce of Dam-2 Does
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
11.) Herd - 3 or 4 one milking
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
Meat Goats:
1.) Under 4 months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
2.) 4-8 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
3.) 8-12 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
4.) 12-18 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
5.) 18-24 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
6.) 24-36 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
7.) 36-48 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
8.) Over 48 Months
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
9.) Champion
Premium = Rosette
10.) Produce of Dam-2 Does
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
11.) Herd - 3 or 4
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2
Specialty Classes:
12.) Market Goat– Lightweight
Premium = $20 $15 $12 $8 $5
13) Market Goat– Middleweight
Premium = $20 $15 $12 $8 $5
14.) Market Goat– Heavyweight
Premium = $20 $15 $12 $8 $5
15.) Champion Market Goat
Premium = $30
16.) Reserve Champion Market Goat
Premium = $20
17.) Fun Goat – Costumes
Premium = $12 $8 $5 $3 $2