Alexandria Fairgrounds
"A Tradition Since 1856"
Miscellaneous Harvest
Only 2 entries in per class
A.) Field Corn - husk free - 3 ears
White, old
Yellow, old
White, new
Yellow, new
B.) Honey and Maple Syrup
Honey comb- shallow frame
Honey comb- deep frame
Honey, white- extracted - 3 x 1 lb. jars
Honey, light extracted - 3 x 1 lb. jars
Honey - amber, extracted - 3 x 1lb. jars
Honey - dark amber extracted - 3 x 1 lb. jars
Honey - Chunk- 3, 1lb. jars
Honey - Chunk - 1, 5lb. jar
Honey - Chunk - 3 x 2 1/2 lb. jars
Beeswax - molded
Maple Syrup - 1 pint jar
Any other Syrup - 1 pint jar
C.) Popcorn and Indian Corn - 3 ears
Indian, large
Indian, small